08.02.16 - Tigers of the New England Forest
The new RHTT album has arrived! All sorts of ways to get your copy here.
04.22.15 - The Barkley Marathons
The Barkley Marathons, a documentary film that features two instrumental versions of RHTT songs, will be screening at the prestigious Hot Docs Film Festival in Toronto in late April.
11.6.14 - Swimming
November's song is called "Swimming," and is inspired by Howard Frank Mosher's short story "Kingdom County Come," recently included in the anthology Contemporary Vermont Fiction
Click the Songs of the Lunar Phase page to learn more!
Lucky Cloud on Red Hot's Arthur Russell compilation
Check out Sam Amidon's version of Lucky Cloud, recorded at the RHTT studio and featuring a fretless tenor bass solo by Ty.
10.8.14 - A Spoonful of Leaves
October's Lunar Phase song is called "A Spoonful of Leaves" inspiried by James Haug's beautiful poem "North of North" (Tarpaulin Sky Press).
Click the Songs of the Lunar Phase page to learn more!
9.8.14 - The Woodland
September's Lunar Phase song is called "The Woodland," inspiried by an 1872 book of songs and the 1941 film The Maltese Falcon, and our local drive-in.
Click the Songs of the Lunar Phase page to learn more!
8.10.14 - Dans L'eau de la Claire Fontaine
August's song is our version of traditional French tune "Dans L'eau de la Claire Fontaine." Also see this video of Georges Bressens performing it.
Click the Songs of the Lunar Phase page to learn more!
7.12.14 - In the Morning Sun
July's song, In the Morning sun, is partly inspired by the Vermont Governor's Institute Annual Chromatic Aberration Parade.
Click the Songs of the Lunar Phase page to learn more!
6.13.14 - Cambric Shirt
June's song is the traditional tune Cambric Shirt; Robin's Grandmother Margaret MacArthur also recorded a version.
Click the Songs of the Lunar Phase page to learn more!
05.14.14 - Renamed
May's song, "Renamed," was inspired by a beautiful essay in The Rumpus by Jennifer Bowen Hicks.
Click the Songs in the Lunar Phase page to learn more and join us!
04.15.14 - It's Okay, You're a Dreamer
April's song is based on a painting by the Vermont visual artist Jim Giddings.
Click the Songs in the Lunar Phase page to learn more and join us!
The Folklife Center at Crandall Public Library presents an evening with RHTT
Thursday, April 3rd, 2014
Glen Falls, NY, 7 pm
For more info on the show, see the Folklife Center
03.16.14 - Gold Cab Driving
Our third song for SILP Year Two, inspired by a moustache comb handcarved by our friend Lee.
See the Songs in the Lunar Phase page for more!
2.14.14 - Sounds
Our second song for Songs in the Lunar Phase, Year Two, inspired by James, a Back to Your Senses video by our friend Andi Maio.
Click the Songs of the Lunar Phase page to learn more!
01.17.14 - Letter from Mt. Philo
Our first song for Songs in the Lunar Phase, Year Two, inspired by a poem by our friend Major Jackson.
Click the Lunar Phase page to learn more!
Listen to a snippet here via Soundcloud.
12.18.13 - RHTT song included on For the Love of the Music CD compilation
A live version of "Above the Sea" joins songs by Tom Rush, Ellis Paul, David Amram, and others.
For The Love of the Music : The Club 47 Folk Revival, is a documentary exploring the rich history of Club 47, the iconic Cambridge, Massachusetts folk music mecca from 1958-1968.
For more on the feature length film and the CD, visit loveofthemusic.com
12.2.13 - Songs in the Lunar Phase: Year Two!
Sign up now for a song a month throughout 2014. New and improved changes!
Click the Songs in the Lunar Phase page to learn more! (And listen below to a mash-up of Year One songs.)
11.17.13 - Electric No. 4
November's full moon brings with it our last Lunar song for Year One, "Electric No. 4."
Click the Songs of the Lunar Phase page to learn more!
10.18.13 - Silver Medallion
October! The Hunter's Full Moon has arrived, peeking up over your neighborhood, and pulling along with it (by rope? chain?) this new tune "Silver Medallion."
Click the Songs in the Lunar Phase page to learn more and join us!
9.19.13 - Lucky Numbers
For September's full moon: "Lucky Numbers."
Click the Songs in the Lunar Phase page to learn more and join us!
8.20.13 - Above the Sea
For August's full moon: "Above the Sea."
Click the Songs in the Lunar Phase page to learn more and join us!
July's full moon, a.k.a. the "hungry ghost moon," and hot, still days = the new song "This Summer." Click the
Songs in the Lunar Phase page
It's the June supermoon, otherwise known as Rose Moon, Lotus Moon, Green Corn Moon, Windy Moon, Strawberry Moon, Moon of Horses, Planting Moon. What's a supermoon? The moon's closest encounter with earth, said to bring you all the things you yearn for if you play your cards right. Click the
Songs in the Lunar Phase page
For May's Lunar Phase, an old song updated.
Finally we have a chance to record this for two voices. Click the
Songs in the Lunar Phase page
Today we send out this month's Lunar Phase offering, "The Old Smith-Corona."
A love song for April, month of desire and the like. Click the
Songs in the Lunar Phase page
This month we celebrate a life in the woods with the new song "Peaches and Plums."
Of course, around here, in March, "celebrations" tend to be of the muted and/or conflicted variety. Click the
Songs in the Lunar Phase page
Another full moon, another heartbroken number.
Sending out "No Horses" for February's "snow" moon song. Slide banjo, whistling, and Fender Rhodes laden. Click the
Songs in the Lunar Phase page
January's song, "Fireman, Firewoman" is out! And what a bright, cold moon it was here in the Northeast. We hope it lit up your sill, where ever you may be.
You can always join us . . . click the
Songs in the Lunar Phase page
Happy New Year's. We hope many, if not all, dreams come true in this odd beauty of a new year.
We just sent out our first Lunar song, "Mist and Mast," in the waning days of December. It's not too late to sign up! Click the
Songs in the Lunar Phase page
12.13.12 - RHTT presents Songs in the Lunar Phase
Ever wondered why a brand new song doesn't magically appear in your inbox each time there's a full moon? We're so excited about this new project we're going to WRITE IN ALL CAPS, BY GOSH. JOIN US! CLICK OVER TO THE
Songs in the Lunar Phase page

12.12.12 - RHTT Launches New Web Site
The reverend R. W. A. Martell has built RHTT a new virtual home. Please come in, take your shoes off, and go on any sort of self-guided tour you might see fit. Peek anywhere, friends.
12.1.12 - Red Heart dragged kicking and screaming onto Twitter
If you'd like updates about shows, projects and general reminders of our existence, please join us on Twitter.
Beth recorded three bonus tracks in our studio here in Marlboro this August: "That Summer Feeling" (Jonathan Richman), "Wasn't Born to Follow" (Carole King), and "Goin' Back" (Neil Young). Ty and Robin sing background vocals on "That Summer Feeling," and Ty plays bass, fender rhodes, and percussion, and mixed the tracks. Sample and/or purchase the tracks, along with Beth's beautiful album tracks, on itunes
RHTT on NPR's State of the Re:Union
The "Vermont" episode aired on almost all NPR stations June 2nd, 2012. You can stream the episode here. Listen to Robin read her love letter to our state, and catch Red Heart instrumentals throughout much of the hour-long radio piece.
7.3.12 - Red Heart music and Robin's "letter to Vermont" on NPR's State of the Re:Union
New review of Your Name from Belgium site With Music in My Mind
Calls the album "an absolute must for lovers of American folk music. Superb" Click here to read more (translation available on site)
Your Name featured on NPR's Weekend Edition, Saturday, Jan. 14, 2012
The story behind Your Name in Secret I Would Write as told by NPR's weekend Edition: View the NPR page here
RHTT's "Slightly Under Water" featured in Cafe, starring Jennifer Love Hewitt.
For more info, see cafethemovie.com
11.12.11 - New UK review of Your Name from Leicester Bangs
"It would be boorish to select any tracks as better than others, though I simply melted away listening to "My Dearest Dear", a fitting and most beautiful end to this (almost sacred) music." See the whole review here
10.9.11 - The arts blog Gwarlingo posts "creative spaces" article about RHTT
Calls Your Name "A perfect balance of old and new." Lots of new photos from Marlboro. Click here for the Gwarlingo site
9.26.11 - We will miss Wangari Maathai
Robin and Ty both worked on the definitive documentary, Taking Root, about the Nobel Peace Prize winner, Robin as an associate producer and Ty as a boom operator. While filming in Kenya, we got to know Wangari and be in the sphere of her incredible energy; she was an amazing and deeply inspiring woman. To learn more about her, her Green Belt Movement, and the film, click here.
9.20.11 - No Depression posts review/interview with RHTT
Calls Your Name "an inspiriting and remarkable collection." The post has climbed into No Depression's "most popular" list. Head over to No Depression (also posted at Uprooted Music Revue) for more.
9.15.11 - RHTT Appearing on VPR's Vermont Edition Tue. Oct 4
The piece will highlight Margaret MacArthur and her legacy, including interview clips with Robin and songs from Your Name. You can stream or download an MP3 of the show here
2.18.11 - Huffington Post article
A piece about teen suicide, published in The Huffington Post, quotes lyrics from RHTT's "The Ballad of J. Murphy," and mentions our live performance of the song at a concert in Brattleboro. Read the article here.
5.1.09 - Depression featured in short film
Depression is featured in a new short film about the continued thread of unexploded ordnance leftover from the Vietnam war. Learn more
4.12.09 - RHTT on A Prairie Home Companion!
Robin and Tyler have been invited on as part of PHC's duos show, April 11th, 2009, live at Town Hall in NYC. Listen in on any NPR station nationwide!
3.15.09 - RHTT to appear on Garrison Keillor's A Prairie Home Companion!
Robin and Tyler have been invited on as part of PHC's duos show, April 11th, 2009, live at Town Hall in NYC. Listen in on any NPR station nationwide!
11.22.08 - Robin guests on NPR's On Point
On Nov. 26 (sorry for the wicked late notice) Robin answered a few questions from inquisitive folks round the country on Tom Ashbrook's radio show On Point. Check it out at